
Materials Needed

  • 12 of $160

    $1,920 total

  • $1,500

  • $100

  • $200

Window Rails

  • 6 pipes needed

    $50 each — $300 total

  • 11 Floor Flange Needed

    $17 each — $187 total

  • 7 T Flange Needed

    $50 Total

  • $50

  • $100

Windows extending more than 4’ from the floor require a guard rail.  The existing rails interfere with wall construction and floor installation.  Black pipe and flange construction is Simple, adjustable and will allow seating along the window. 

Fund Our Window Rails

Entryway allows discreet access to the Pivot room without disturbing events in the main gallery from the existing side door.  It also allows access to and from the main gallery.  

Commercial buildings require steel stud construction and electrical outlets every 8’.  2 outlets will be required along the diagonal wall in the classroom. 

Fund Our Windows

More ways to donate

Explore other projects that you can contribute to, such as furniture, flooring, and wall installations. Your donation, no matter the size, makes a significant impact and helps us move closer to our goals. Consider supporting these initiatives to enhance the overall environment and experience. Every donation is greatly appreciated and brings us one step closer to creating a truly remarkable space.





Join us in our fundraising efforts to secure the necessary funds for the windows of our project. Your donation will make a meaningful difference in bringing abundant natural light and a welcoming atmosphere to our space.